Starting a business is hard work and requires dedication and commitment on your part. You must be willing to invest time and energy to that business in order to become a success.
Being fairly new to the network marketing business, I started by reading anything I could find out there on the Internet. That process has led me to a wealth of information.
Here are some things that I found to be important as you build your business:
1. Building your business is not only selling the products:
The first and most important fact is that you need to sell yourself first. People need to see you as someone who is committed, knowledgeable and trustworthy. You need to convey to them your professional side. Let me ask you, would you want to buy from a complete stranger?
I would be wary if a stranger came up to me and said he had the next best thing and I would be a fool not to buy. I need to know more before I take that leap. The more people know about you, the more they are willing to listen to what you have to say and they can trust that you know what you are talking about.
2.Building a Business DOES require Work:
There are people out there that are selling get rich schemes, telling you that they can help you build a down line for you with no effort on your part. The truth is, getting and maintaining your business does require work on your part. No one can build your business for you. Sure, your sponsor and up line are there for advice and a knowledge base , because they were in your shoes at one time in their careers and know the best way to get business off the ground.
Another thing, most people are under the assumption that when they start a business they will have a lot of free time. That really is not the case. It is a well known fact that 95% of marketing businesses fail in their first 3 years.
So why develop a business to begin with? Well, honestly, it is a long term process. You need to be willing to devote time, and be willing to stick it out for the long haul. You won’t begin to see dramatic results until about 3 years into your new venture. You will notice progress along the way, but it doesn’t happen overnight, or as the old saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a Day.”
You need to devote at least 8-10 hours a week to getting the business started, promotion and advertising, building and maintaining a website and so on. You will also need to devote another 5-10 hours or more weekly to educating yourself on your business through books, articles, etc on marketing ,networking, and MLM. Remember to get out and sell yourself by joining networking groups and business forums.
3. Advertising YOUR Business is not the Best way to Promote Your Business:
Remember how we talked about the need for people to get to know you first? Well, you need to market yourself by networking. Join business and networking groups and forums, post advice and questions in forums, create a presence. Make sure your are a frequent visitor to those places because just making one post will not help you in the long run. Create and publish articles and newsletters on topics that you have knowledge about. Be willing to help others by sharing your knowledge.
4. Communication and relationships are what builds your business:
You need to be willing to interact with people. You want to show people you know what you are talking about by creating newsletters, articles, and blogs. Get them published online and well as off line. This will also give you a sense of accomplishment that you are working to make yourself a success.
There is much more to learn in order to get your business started but if you are serious about wanting success, set goals for yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Devote time to achieving those goals. Get your name out there, educate yourself and others, and finally market yourself and then your business. This is a start, but if you work at it you will find success in network marketing and will get customers coming to you for not only your product but for advice and help in order to achieve their own success also. This sounds like a win-win situation. Good luck.
1 comment:
Excellent advice! Too many people think that running a business is just the easy way out of working for someone else, when it's not, and quite possibly the hardest because you can only rely on yourself. Anyway, I've finally come to realize that, and I think I'm ready to start my own business. I'm actually thinking of buying a business. I just don't know where to start looking. Could you suggest a website for me?
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