Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I am sitting here doing some reflecting....
Another year is gone and we have just barely started 2008. I think of different milestones that have passed and more milestones that will approach in this New Year, a year that is just barely in it's infancy.
So I ponder the past year for a was a very difficult year for me with many challenges but on the other hand it ended as a very rewarding time in my life. People talk about regrets...I would say that I don't regret the decisions I made in the face of much adversity and challenge.
This past year has brought independence to my life, for the first time in a long time, I have felt a purpose for my existence....have come to terms with being disabled and unable to work in my chosen career as a Registered Nurse. I had been wrestling with that for a long time....a time span of many years that have come to pass.
I feel like I don't have to depend on others to carry me, but that I can let others depend on me for a change. I have found a new sense of self worth and these feelings and emotions have led me to become a better mother to my amazing daughter, who for the first time in her young life has found a way to express herself, despite her own disabilities.
Hannah and I have become a team....a Mother-Daughter tag team in a sense....and have come full circle from the previous year when I felt despair that she would never recover from the ADHD and mood disorder she was diagnosed with, and the many scary behaviors she was exhibiting. I had to let go and take one day at a time and I see now that we have come through this trying time in our lives and are stronger for it.I see a glimpse of the young women she is destined to become, as she is turning from infancy and little girl, and trying to be a "big girl".
I see Hannah trying to be more like me and this makes me want to be her Best role model. I want to show her that independence is a reality and that she can do anything she wants to do and that she doesn't have to give up anything.
This past year has also brought me into a time where I faced a struggle as to how to make ends meet.Unable to work, I did a lot of research online and found a wonderful person(or should I say God found her for me), who I feel has made the biggest impact on my life and become a mentor/partner in my home candle business. She arrived in my life at my lowest moment, with her amazingly upbeat personality, and taught me that with perseverance anything is possible.She was that inspiration I needed, because I saw what she was accomplishing in her life and she made it look so easy....
I, with no business background( just my knowledge of medicine and nursing) would be able to start a home candle business and successfully market online through my own website and blog.
If you approached me years ago and told me that I would do this, I would have laughed at you.
It is now a reality....
Not only has this opportunity transformed my life, it has made me feel alive for the first time in a long time. I am learning so much, I feel thirst for all knowledge I can find.I feel energized.
I have met a lot of wonderful people, a few who have inspired me and have mentored me, and many who have become my friends.
I have successfully designed my own website and a blog and this accomplishment has inspired me to work harder to achieve more and experience all that life has to offer.
So, now I contemplate what a New Year might mean to me.....
I need to set goals. I, like many others, have dreams.Perhaps they are similar to your dreams.
I want the be a better mom to Hannah, a mom that she is proud of. I want to inspire her as much as she inspires me in her young life. She has overcome a lot of struggle in India as well as here in our home and I am so very proud of her.
I want to learn as much as I can about being a successful mother and entrepreneur.
I want to have a successful candle business and I want to help others achieve that success also, by being a teacher and mentor to them.
I want to help those children still in orphanages in India who have dreams still unfulfilled....a dream of a family and parents.(I receive updates from the agency we used to adopt Hannah, and recently they sent me 2 pages of least 20 children..still looking for a family..still needing to be adopted.) This breaks my heart because all children should have a family, parents who love them as much as I love my daughter. If I had the money, I would do it all again.
If you are someone who is considering adoption, please contact me and I will give you the information on the agency we used for our adoption.
My Goals:
1. Build my business through retail, fundraising and team building:
--I will promote my website by sending out 100 business cards/scent samples each month.
--I will make contact with at least 2 groups( school, dance, sports, church,etc.) each month to
--I will strive to have at least one home party/open house each month.
--I will attend at least one trade show, craft fair each quarter.
--I will use lead options each month to build my team by giving people the knowledge base to
make an informed decision to make a change in their lives and achieve the success they
dream of.
--I will listen in on at least 2 conferences weekly.
--I will attempt to attend at least 2 seminars this year.
--I will use my knowledge to teach and mentor my team, by scheduling monthly team building
meetings once a month.
--I will be available by phone, email or in person to my team for any questions or needs they
might have each month.
2.I will promote adoption:
--I will get word out on adoption and try to let others know about children still in orphanages
that need families.I will call my agency to see what I can do to help, possibly promote a
fundraiser to help cover costs of the children's upkeep in the orphanages.
3. Become a better mother:
--I will take time to listen to Hannah and let her express her emotions and feelings daily.
--I will read articles, books,etc. on parenting to become better at it.
--I will attend all school, dance drama functions.
--I will be available for Hannah anytime she needs me.
--I will schedule Mommy-Hannah time out weekly.
--I will sit with Hannah daily to do homework together.
--We will have quality time together in the evening before bed.
Well, I could probably keep going...but this is a start.
The year is fresh, and many opportunities and challenges will come along the way.....but as long as I take one day at a time and remember my dreams(and Hannah's dreams)....and my goals,
I am sure that this New Year will become just as successful.
For those of you who dream of a successful home business...more time with your family....those dreams are attainable.
Don't give up on your dreams, whatever they might be, because with work and perseverance....Your dreams will come true!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!

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